Drug overload .. Druglord!

This is just a picture of my Morning pills, this is what happens when you are on a reproductive immunology treatment. It includes:

  1. Metformin 500mg (I takt this thrice a day for my PCOs)
  2. Pregnacare for conception (Yeah you all can see the big brown magical pill)
  3. Prednisolone 40 mg
  4. Omega 3 1000 mg
  5. Vitamin D 5000 I.U
  6. Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg\
  7. Baby Asprin ( I have been taking this since January 2015 based on my own internet research)
  8. Folic acid 5 mg

The picture does not include my clexane shot, my 2 other metformin pills and hydroxychloroquine 200 mg for the day!

I take all the Prednisolon with my breakfast so that I don’t have trouble sleeping at night and become what I call – PREDNINSOMNIAC. ha ha

Cant believe I am the same person who was crying over the 3 daily metformins in 2012 (when they first started). May my Lord ease my difficulty and help me in passing my test of life.


Author: When You Cant Give Up

Its been 4 and a half years since my first attempt to have a baby, still going on with little success a long the way. I have done 4 Clomid rounds, 4 IUI's, 6 ICSI's and a couple of herbal remedies. Despite the heartbreak and pain, I am not willing to stop trying harder. Deep inside I feel that our bundle of joy will come sooner or later if I remain patient and continue to tweak my treatment after every failed attempt. This feeling has stopped me from giving up and brought me so far so soon. Hence, I call my blog "When you cant give up".

4 thoughts on “Drug overload .. Druglord!”

  1. My 2nd IVF dr. advised baby aspirin and also the metformin. After 7 years of trying, I really think that made a difference! The first dr. never mentioned it. (and also failed repeatedly)


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