Scan tomorrow.. Gulp

So after the 2ww followed a few nerve wrecking days that involved beta testing. Then I had to bear 2 more weeks that were much slower than the previous 2 weeks. Finally the wait is over and tomorrow is my first scan. I am dying at the moment. I am so scared because I have never been this pregnant and I just don’t know what to expect. Please remember us in your prayers and I hope tomorrow is not a sad or broken day….

My blog’s first anniversary!

I just got notified by WordPress that its been a year since I started my blog. I cannot express my regards and gratitude to all the ladies I have met here who without knowing me have always been very kind to me and supportive of my situation especially during the times my in-laws behaved very badly. So a big Thank you to all of you for following my journey so closely and being there for me. I have nothing better to do for you all but pray for you guys every morning. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.May He ease this journey for each and everyone of us.
When I started this blog, I started it to share my medication protocol with those who didn’t have much access to REs. Also due to my husband’s and my reckless nature, we kept jumping around treatment after treatment so I really wanted to share all the treatments I had done for somebody elses betterment thinking if it didnt help me, it may aswell help somebody else.

So here I am, finally pregnant after all what I have mentioned in my blog. If I am pregnant, I will be 6 weeks tomorrow, Lord willing. Waiting for my scan on 1st April, Saturday. Really hoping, praying and wishing to see a great scan!

-When you cant give up

What regime I followed to get my BFP

I do not know if I am still pregnant or not as I am not able to take it seriously until my 6w5d scan but I do know that I got my first ever proper BFP. I just wanted to share my natural remedy regime and medication protocol which was the main purpose of starting my blog.

I used to take half a tea spoon of cinnamon powder daily at breakfast for my PCOs and chug down 1 tablespoon of home grinded turmeric powder with water after dinner to lower my cytokines and inflammations. No amount of medication helped me as much as these two simple home remedies. The turmeric powder especially lowered my immunes very quickly and no amount of Ivigs, intralipids, Humira or hydroxychloroquinine could do as much. I stopped taking these spices 1 week before my embryo transfer as they are pretty strong and I dont know what impact these may have on early pregnancies or implantation.

My medication protocol was 

I left Hydroxychloroquinine in Dec 2016 after my failed London cycle. It was very dangerous for my eyes and I had taken it for entire 2016 and with no success. Penny at Serum gave me Serrapeptase and Celebrex instead, they dont have side effects either. ๐ŸŽ‰

In addition to these, I took Vit D, folic acid, omega 3 and Pregnacare conception daily. Yes, major druglord! 

Finally, after my embryos were on board:

I had read a lot about it on the internet that it helps with implantation.

Wishing, hoping and praying


Guess who cheated and what happened…

So my husband managed to convince me to cheat and today I finally gave in and POAS.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I really pray and wish this pregnancy grows and lasts. Literally couldn’t wait to share the news with you all. Beta day is tomorrow so I cheated by testing 1 day ahead. Hope this is not the HCG shots doing this.

For all my fellow bloggers, who are feeling happy for me but are sad for themselves please do not give up. It is literally like magic when it works. I remember you all in my prayers daily and I wish we all succeed. Please pray for my pregnancy I do not want to be left numb again.

3 more days to wait..

Today its been a week to my embryo transfer. The two week wait is like the longest time in a person’s life, while looking out for symptoms very closely makes the wait even harder.

I really cannot rely on the symptoms I have felt as I am on too many medications , progesterone injections and have taken 3 HCG shots since the transfer. Geez

I just want to achieve success this go. I just want to be able to share the news that I am finally successful after all that I faced.

I will be sharing my medication list soon as my initial intention to start this blog was to file my journey so it helps others achieve success in this difficult journey.

Crazy IVF woman๐Ÿ”

Its been 3 days since my 5 day embryos transfer and I feel like I am going crazy. I had my 2nd HCG shot yesterday and another is due tomorrow so I really cannot test on the 5th day past embryo transfer. At the moment I feel like I am going cuckoo. I just want to feel symptoms and immediately want to know I am pregnant. Ha ha. 

Sometimes I am feeling pathetic about myself and begin to think you are terrible at getting pregnant, dont get your hopes up. Then again I want to think positive thoughts and be enthusiastic about it all. Maybe the best approach is to just think that nothing really happened and not occupy my mind with it so my body does best what it can achieve without me causing all the hindrance.

Hoping everybody is doing well. My prayers are with you all. Xx

Finally Embryos in me.

Today was our embryo transfer and I am glad that it went well. We transferred 2 lovely embryos and Dr. Sofia and Penny were in the theatre with us. This was my 11th embryo transfer within the last 5 years and I feel this was my easiest transfer. I felt almost no pain during the process and the entire team in the room was very friendly. Penny said truly beautiful words after the transfer while keeping her hands on my belly. She is a very kind and loving lady, God bless her. Even after the transfer I was not asked to leave the theatre on my feet, they took me to the resting room on a bed. Something I truly wanted in all my transfers but never got. Well this time, I was surprised by Serum ๐Ÿ™‚

I had my intralipid infusion and HCG shot after the transfer. So this means no HPTs 6 days later. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

My testing date is 12 days from now and I will have to wait patiently while the injections keep stinging daily. What fun.