My frozen one.. 

So today was my final FET. This was my last donor egg embryo transfer. I reached the clinic exactly 2 mins before my transfer was scheduled but my bladder wasn’t as full as they wanted it to be so I had to drink water there and wait until I became full. It was a nightmare when I overfilled myself. I peed 15 minutes post transfer and with so much of pressure that I regretted drinking all those glasses of water. I have been having bad thoughts the entire day that what if I pushed the embryo out especially because my bladder was super full that I was not able to relax my belly/uterus after the transfer. I was in a constant urge to just urinate and keeping it in was driving me and my belly mad. I hope these are only negative hunches and nothing to worry about 😣

The embryo thawed well and is in me now. Embaby and I will be flying home tomorrow. Praying for this miracle to arrive in/around 8 months and 1 weeks time…
Keeping you all in my prayers
