My blog’s first anniversary!

I just got notified by WordPress that its been a year since I started my blog. I cannot express my regards and gratitude to all the ladies I have met here who without knowing me have always been very kind to me and supportive of my situation especially during the times my in-laws behaved very badly. So a big Thank you to all of you for following my journey so closely and being there for me. I have nothing better to do for you all but pray for you guys every morning. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.May He ease this journey for each and everyone of us.
When I started this blog, I started it to share my medication protocol with those who didn’t have much access to REs. Also due to my husband’s and my reckless nature, we kept jumping around treatment after treatment so I really wanted to share all the treatments I had done for somebody elses betterment thinking if it didnt help me, it may aswell help somebody else.

So here I am, finally pregnant after all what I have mentioned in my blog. If I am pregnant, I will be 6 weeks tomorrow, Lord willing. Waiting for my scan on 1st April, Saturday. Really hoping, praying and wishing to see a great scan!

-When you cant give up

Author: When You Cant Give Up

Its been 4 and a half years since my first attempt to have a baby, still going on with little success a long the way. I have done 4 Clomid rounds, 4 IUI's, 6 ICSI's and a couple of herbal remedies. Despite the heartbreak and pain, I am not willing to stop trying harder. Deep inside I feel that our bundle of joy will come sooner or later if I remain patient and continue to tweak my treatment after every failed attempt. This feeling has stopped me from giving up and brought me so far so soon. Hence, I call my blog "When you cant give up".

13 thoughts on “My blog’s first anniversary!”

  1. Woohoo!! Congratulations for a milestone for blogging. Blogging has helped me a lot throughout this journey. Sometimes it is easier to just write everything out and I would feel better. I met so many friends on here too. Good luck with your first ultrasound!!!!

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